Floral Bouquet- Inspired by Madam


Florat Bouquet is a fragrance with fresh and vibrant orange immediately awaken the senses. A clear and sensual heart reveals the transparent accords of Jasmine and Rose. The trail unfurls the pure accents of Patchouli and Vetiver that emphasise the slender structure of the composition.

Floral bouquet is rresistibly sexy, irrepressibly spirited The fragrance is the olfactory reflection of an independent thinker who breaks with the rules to create her own. The portrait of a woman ready to daringly write her own destiny. It’s an expression of femininity, a sparkling fragrance, fresh and sophisticated for an elegant and sensuous woman. The fragrance opens with sparkling top notes of orange and bergamot. Rose and jasmine bring limpidity to the middle note. The rich and sensuous end notes are essentially composed of patchouli and vetiver.


Top Notes: Citrus
Orange, Bergamot

Middle Notes: Floral
Rose, Jasmine

Base Notes: Woody
Patchouli, Vetiver



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We pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service. Explore what we have to offer and how we can contribute to your success.



Our fragrances are NOT to be confused with the original designer brands. IORIA FRAGRANCES  has no affiliation with the manufacturer/designer. Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. Our interpretations of these fragrances were created through chemical analysis and reproduction. The purpose of this descriptions on our website is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark. We do not represent our products to be from the original designer brands nor do we represent them to be exact copies and therefore we do not violate any copyright/trademark laws. Also let it be known, that our website has no affiliation either, and is not associated or sponsored by any of these trademark owners. Any references to brand names are made strictly for comparison purposes only. We simply ask the consumer to compare the price, style, scent character, ingredients and quality of the designer brand products to IORIA Fragrances products. It’s important to note that our fragrances are Extrait De Parfum Quality and it is produced at 25% oil concentration level. Our products are also Vegan and Non-Animal Tested.

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